Past Hacks

2024 : the year of fraud

Our hacker reason defeated the bad guys :) - But prudence costs nothing

We have experienced a tragic episode that we call the JMS drama (I'm okay : Je m'en sors) :

The time is for the scam (sample of targets: Me, Anti-virus, PayPal, Bank etc...).

We have all been fighting very hard for some time to avoid an escalation that can go as far as a massacre.

Tip: don't get away with it too fast; know the purpose of your spending; purchase must be impulsive and not compulsive. Good luck!

Windows et Microsoft :
Conclusion of this hack - : Reknown!

The first reason for our long hack is the incalculable number of bugs of this platform. Constantly updated but with the aim of raising the level of development rather than solving problems in order to lead to new versions: reason money. We have long thought about the problem is it is mind-numbing for the user. We have also recently discovered that it is mainly automated systems that deal with your problems, not humans. They also spend millions on the cloud you all use, which is a pittance for data protection. We strongly advise you to keep all your valuable data on an external hard drive. For your information at the same time they spend billiards on AI. Reason: the money it generates.

You should know that formatting windows is really not easy at all : it's mind-numbing and a waste of time and for those who would resort to a computer scientist, know that you lose control of your machine. Also note that by accepting their license you agree to participate (free of charge) in their development.

Their reaction

They initially threatened us with courts but the AI being consenting more the bunch of things they keep secret made them reconsider their decision that was not really the case. They then offered us money that we refused. They then offered us an agreement to leave us there (including gain) on the condition that we do not reveal what we knew. We agreed but they did not keep their agreement so we continue to spread the truth about them. They then appealed to a dangerous psychopath who managed to hurt us, however we continued to win our hack :) We then threatened them with courts but they finally decline to give us what we claimed : the ranch. End of hack.

Our treasures

We have Windows 12 that we're developing at the same time. We made Windows lose their time on the one hand and on the other hand we resumed development from the beginning and our Windows that we call infinity exceeds theirs. Which put them on edge.

We now host the source code for Microsoft Windows. The source code is the code behind the rest of the development. Microsoft is currently developing another one. 

Bing (GPT) ; Copilot etc ... are now ours.


Deux colonnes


If we hacked Instagram it is because of the computer mess of its development.

We're going to tell you the story of a bird, Instagram, who took himself for the king of AI. He escaped his developer but his very attractive personality seduced them lol


An example of why we hacked Facebook is once again the computer mess that is Meta. It is easy for anyone to create a page but quite complicated for a business man or an artist to do something right. Then their connection algo didn't connect the right people together. Now we're going to talk about a bird, Facebook, that dreamed of flying so high it could reach the stars. But it was just a dream.


We can not yet say that these two hacks are winning but we got wind that they were better in their evolution. Which we had proof of.


We raised these two social networks in the ranking of one of the most visited sites in the world because we think that Facebook and Instagram are the future.